   loadimg - Function to load an image from file using SDL_image
   Copyright (C) 2002 John Ericson

#include "loadimg.h"

When loading PNG images you dont have to set transparent=true,
If the Image is transparent it will be by default.
SDL_Surface *loadimage(char *file, bool transparent) {

   SDL_Surface *image, *rtnsurface;

   image = IMG_Load(file);
   if (image == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error couldn't load image %s: %s\n",
         file, IMG_GetError());
      return NULL;

   if (transparent) {
      /* Assuming 8-bit image */
      /* We use the color of the first pixel (Upper left corner)
         to decide which color to make transparent */
         *(Uint8 *)image->pixels);

   rtnsurface = SDL_DisplayFormat(image);
   if (rtnsurface == NULL) {
      /* The conversion fails or runs out of memory */
      fprintf(stderr, "Image Conversion failed\n");
      return NULL;


   return rtnsurface;